200 ways to create a healthier, safer, more prosperous future for us all

An ever growing list of ways we can make a better future for our Earth and for ourselves... Now up to 21 ways towards a carbon free future, 179 more to go.

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#14 Slow down your fashion

We like to be positive here but there's no avoiding the fact that fast fashion is bad for all of us.

Mountains of waste, oceans saturated with plastic, shocking labour practices and a massive link to fossil fuel production. There's nothing nice about it. The more we buy, the more we feed this system.

We can change

If we buy better, we break that chain. We create better, from shop to manufacturer.

  • Choose clothes that fit, that last.
  • Clothes made natural.
  • Clothes made by people who are valued for their skills.
  • Clothes that last long enough to be passed on.
  • Clothes that someone else wore before. Swapped, sold, remixed, repaired.

One pair of jeans made to last a lifetime will outlast four or more pairs of fast-made jeans. That one pair looks better by the day, not worse. It fits better and becomes part of you.

Every investment in better clothes is better for you, for your wealth, for our future.

Why not borrow your Grandmother's jumper

Christmas Jumper days are soon upon us. When the best of charitable intentions are bound up with the worst of toxic waste. Hundreds of thousands of uncomfortable, ill-fitting plastic jumpers will end up in landfill—for the sake of charity.

Why not wear something better. Save us all from plastic waste and have a Borrow your Grandmother's jumper day instead. More money to charity. Better fitting jumpers, and a spirit of sharing and generosity. Show the true spirit of Christmas in enduring style.

It's a long journey

The more we act, the more we share, the more we have a movement towards a healthier, safer, more prosperous future for us all.


* This is not an endorsement, there are many other manufacturers of long lasting clothes out there. The Hiut story is inspirational and well worth a read.