200 ways to create a healthier, safer, more prosperous future for us all

An ever growing list of ways we can make a better future for our Earth and for ourselves... Now up to 21 ways towards a carbon free future, 179 more to go.

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#16 Eat less

As a new year starts and we all recover from Christmas, it's a good time to focus on some changes that are good for our health, and good for our future. Being healthy isn't just good for ourselves, it can help us reduce our impact and protect our planet as well.

First, let's talk a little about the benefits of tweaking your diet. In the UK, many of us are eating more than we need. The health impacts are well known. Rightsizing our diet and eating better isn't just good for our health, it's good for our planet.

Less food means a healthier planet

Food production accounts for the major stresses we are putting on our planet. If we're serious about protecting our forests and our oceans, we need to be serious about food. A common estimate is that for everyone in the world to eat like we do in the UK, we'd need two and a half planets to support us.

To reduce those impacts, we can start by eating less.

Even 1% less food is 1% less need for food production—every change helps. And the more we balance our own diets, the more we can balance food distribution everywhere, so those who need it most have the access they need.

Eat less to live longer

There's a lot of evidence that suggests a restricted calorie diet will help you live longer and reduce your risk of illness. The Okinawans in Japan are famed for their high life expectancy, and it is believe much of this is down to their diet. Their tradition is to stop eating before you feel full, a simple approach to better health.

There are many ways to eat less

You may not even notice you're eating less than before.

  • Say no to that snack—save your appetite for something better.
  • Eat like the Okinawans and stop before you feel full.
  • Intermittent fasting works well for some who wish to reduce their overall intake.

We're here to give you inspiration about how to have a healthier and more prosperous future. Before changing your diet do check with your doctor, especially if you have any health concerns.

It's a long journey

The more we act, the more we share, the more we have a movement towards a healthier, safer, more prosperous future for us all.


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