200 ways to create a healthier, safer, more prosperous future for us all

An ever growing list of ways we can make a better future for our Earth and for ourselves... Now up to 21 ways towards a carbon free future, 179 more to go.

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#1 Know where your money's going

It's easy to feel powerless when it comes to climate issues. They can feel so big, and so hard to deal with. But every change you make is a step in a better direction.

One of the most powerful changes you can make is to change the way your pension funds are invested. Business depends on investment, and much of that is driven by pension funds. Shifting pensions towards sustainable industry, renewable power and away from fossil fuel and high carbon business immediately helps us move faster in the right direction.

Pension funds are key players in the success, failure and direction of major businesses. They fund, invest and guide what businesses across the world do—with the significant shareholder value they hold, they hold significant weight over what these businesses do. They have the power to lead major change — away from fossil fuels and towards renewables, towards energy efficiency and massive advances in low carbon technology.

And this is driven by the power we grant them through our own pension and investment choices.

Consider this —

do you want to invest in the businesses of the future, or the businesses of the past?

Create your best future

More than anything else, a pension is your investment in your own future. So why not make it an investment in a better future — as well as a financially secure one. You don't want to retire on a burning planet. By managing your investments carefully, it's a simple step towards retiring into a safer, healthier and more prosperous one.

It's a long journey

The more we act, the more we share, the more we have a movement towards a healthier, safer, more prosperous future for us all.


We're here to share insight into saving our planet

We're not here to offer investment advice. Remember the value of any investment can go down as well as up.